Tuesday 11 December 2007

Honestly! Daniel is such a know-all sometimes. He came round last night and I was showing him how fantastically organised I've been with buying pressies for Christmas.

`OK,' I said. `Feel free to faint at my superb organisational skills. Ta da!' Expecting him to step back in amazement.
But he picked up Belinda's smellies, examined the box like some master spy checking for fingerprints, then said, `You do realise that these soaps and bath things have been tested on animals don't you?'
`Give it to me,' I said, snatching it back from him. `Where does it say that?'
`It doesn't - that's the point. If they hadn't been tested on animals, it would say so -and it doesn't. It's about putting two and two together. There's no way you can give Belinda that.'
`OK, Einstein!'

Maybe I was a tad snappy with him, but it's not only my stepmother who'll freak - I don't exactly go a bundle on poor little bunnies having bubble bath squirted in their eyes either.
What a dilemma! There's only two more Saturdays till Christmas - which means only two more pocket money days - and I haven't even bought the jeans I wanted yet, let alone Seema and Arlette's nail polish. Now I've got to fork out even more money to get Belinda something different!

`It's not a problem,' Daniel smiled. `Next Saturday, after we've been to the tutor's, I'll go back to the shop with you and exchange it. How's that?' And then he put his arms round my waist and pulled me towards him. Oh boy! He started kissing me in this totally tummy tingling way. Wow! Am I the luckiest girl alive, or what?

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