Friday, 11 January 2008

Two days!

That was all I had of being a normal, non-scaffold-mouth, teenager before.....oh my God, I can't even say it. It's tooooooooooo awful.

How am I ever supposed to get a boyfriend (and don't even go there with the whole well you had Daniel stuff, because if you're even thinking that, you need to read my books to see the whole history and how I'm better off without him.)

Anyway, as I was saying, how am I ever supposed to get a boyfriend when I am destined to be a permanent freak? I had my braces removed on Tuesday and on Wednesday pigged out on these Devonshire clotted cream fudges that Belinda's auntie sent us for Christmas. I mean with braces on they were a total no-no but now that I'm a brace-free zone, I was all `bring it on!' And talk about delish! I had about four pieces! I was going round smiling at everyone - Ok, so I know I'm still a bit battered and bruised around the eyes and mouth from the unfortunate trampoline incident, but (and I don't mean to sound conceited) I was getting one or two promising smiles back - especially from boys.

Then yesterday in science, Mr Mukerjee was writing on the board and it was all out of focus. The boards in the Science block are pretty rubbish because the pens don't work most of the time and you only get half the writing up there and have to guess at the rest of it, so I didn't think anything of it. Except when I went for end of day registration, there was a letter for Dad - saying that my busy-body science teacher had concerns for my eyesight - cheek!

So Belinda took me to see Mr Gentry in the High Street and he says I'm short-sighted. And apparently, I'm not allowed lenses yet! This is my worst nightmare

I can't believe it. I've gone from a metal-mouth to a four-eyes in two days. My friends are ringing up and saying; `Glasses are sexy' (Yeah, right - say those who don't wear them!) and `Harry Potter's really cool and he wears glasses' (Durr! Harry Potter's in a BOOK!) and `Boys always make passses at girls who wear glasses.' (Er - slight alteration of never to always, I think!)

Daniel was knocking on my French window but I wouldn't answer.

My life just isn't worth living any more! Think I need some more fudge.

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