How come that everyone else gets their choice of work experience placement and I don't?
I put on my form; FASHION. I wrote it very clearly - block capitals and everything. It's all I've ever wanted to do. It's my dream - everyone knows I want my own label eventually. But did I get it? Ooooohhhhh no!
I wasn't even fussed when the great pink blob first told me she'd got me into a clothing factory as a pattern cutter for two weeks. Ok, it wasn't the design studio I'd hoped for, or even a boutique in the High Street; I was going to be cutting out old men's trousers and kid's vests and stuff, but it was still fashion, wasn't it? It was vaguely associated with the fashion trade (ish).
But then, just my luck - the factory burnt down! And before you even go there - no, I wasn't anywhere near at the time.
So what does my esteemed head of year come up with instead?
An inner city farm!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? I am soooooooooo mad. I didn't even know till I turned up at the factory at 9 this morning to see a pile of smouldering rubble. And then Mrs Blobby rang me on my mobile and told me to go back into school to sort it out - and this is what she comes up with? Could it be any further removed from the career I'm hoping for? I don't think so!
Of course it doesn't help that Daniel is at a radio station (which is what he asked for) and Seema is in some boffin place lab working as a lab assistant (she gets to wear a white coat - which isn't my idea of haute couture, but it floats her boat) and Arl is helping out at the local nursery school like she wanted.
Why does this always happen to me? I'm supposed to be there at 7 in the morning. SEVEN! Can you believe it? And the guy said to bring my wellies - yeah, right! Like I own wellies.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again - MY LIFE SUCKS!